Science of Wellbeing.
Proactive. Effective.
Our design-thinking revealed that consumers are seeking easy and effective ways to manage their day-to-day stresses - to feel right, feel positive, feel happier, every day. Working with the leading experts in the science of Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural science we’ve created The Mental Fitness Habit - an engaging user experience to make positive mental health an easy and lifestyle habit.

Inspired by the University of Pennsylvania's Dr. Martin Seligman and his PERMA framework.
Behaviourial Science.
Built with the insights from over 250 design-thinking role plays and the best practices in habit forming.
CBT. Effective.
User Experience.
Engaging and repeatable UX to encourage daily reflection and contextually influence the Think-Feel-Behave CBT cycle.
Experts. Leaders.
"With innovators like Joye, Microsoft Teams users can enjoy options to build and cement their habit of mental fitness and personal well-being ..."
Modern Work & Security
“Workplaces play a critical role in ensuring people are supported in their wellbeing journey, and Joye is a vital tool in the wellbeing toolbox.”
Well and Productive
"Joye is an innovative way to inculcate the habit of mental fitness through the use of positive psychology for enhancing performance at the workplace... "
Mumbai, India
"We need to find ways to manage our stress better so that we can find joy in living. Joye is a step in this direction."
Institute of Mental Health
"ROI of wellbeing solutions could be realised through lower attrition, higher productivity, lower absenteeism and better Engagement."
Unilever, Nokia, Pfizer